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发布时间:2008-04-24 作者: 出处: 浏览:1806次

  Thank you very nuch! As all you tuys there know ,especially for English majors .the title today is “English Congnition For students of English and International Trade Majors .”So English ,this language, we can say can be our mainstuin in our fature either for farther stuay or making a life .so how do we mainstain in our fature either for farther stady or making a life .So how do we understard English? How do we know Ehglish a what can we do with this language? That’s why.
  2. definite my leture with the name “English Congnition .”Now well say how to is ,then we nay have some of the ideas to deal with this language .so the main contents we are going to talk about today may be on those six points .But since time is limited ,maybe we can’t cover all the points.
  So the first one is “On Language,”we have language we know is chinese and English. And second part is “Parts of Speed”, the third one is “infleetions. ”fourth one is “Sentences”and the fifth is “Agreement”and the last on is “punctuations”.
  In the first patr ,we’ll try to aderstand what language is .And since you are English majors. I feally want to uide you know how to use English as it is, Not English what you lcarnt, for exanple from books. So understand? Can you follow me? First of all ,let’s look at the first part, that is On language. What is language? The question will he posted to you. We have some official definitions for ist . So the official one would ke something like this; “The prineipal means used by human keings to communicate with one another .Language is primarily spoken, although it can ke transferred to other media ,such as writing if the spoken means of commwnication is unawailable.as may be the case anong the deaf ,visual neans such as sigr language can ke used .A prominent characteristic of language is that the nelation between a linguistu sign and its meaning is arbitrary: There is no reason other than corwention among speakers of English that a dog should ke called dog, and indeed other languages have different names. So that is the most important thing we should dear in our mind,“language is arbitrary.”
  As far as can understand the language ,espaially English, my definition will be “A language is nothing.”We can say a language is only a science but there’s no science at all.( 我们用中文来表达这个概念,可以非常准确地说,语言是什么?语言不是一门科学,它仅仅是一门学科)Although there is phD or whatever corcerning the researth on it . So to take easy,what is language?We ask this question again. Anyone who has no problem in his or her even for an animal let it over, we have he hatwral ability to spesk.or to have a kind of language. Then what is English? As language, what kind of language is it ? So we need to deal with all those questions. Are there any pqrameters of its comprehension for us to refer to ? Maybe the only parameter we can adopt for our understanding of another language is our natwe languago .So ow let’s come to the question What are the discrepancies between English and Chinese? If we get into a bit deeper, well say English or Chinese: pictographic plus ideographic or phonetic plus alphaketical? So those two points are the key points for understaning either English or chinese .if we really know the key of those two languages, it will be very helpful to understand English.
  Now let’s look at what is pictographic: A graphic symbol or picture representing a word or idea in some writhing systems. As opposed to a symbol such as a letter of the alphabet representing an individual sound ,e.g.those of Japan and China that directly but abstractly represents a thing or concepe itself thather than the word for it, or the sound of a thing .But what is guaphic? All you know “photograph”or“tclegraph”.then you could suppose what graphic means. For this ,you can say English is a language of organic natwre. What do I mean by organic nature? Mayke for the last whole century, No one can inwent a Chinese word ,but for ,English you can inwent any words that you want ,if you fully Wnderstand the langnage. And ideographic:To represent Non-picturabe ideas, the Chinese writhing system pictographs. For example, the pictographs for sun and tree were combined to represent the spoken word for east .This method of combining pictographs to hepresent the words for ideas is known as on ideographic system ,in written Chinese today however, most of the charaters for picturable items No longer resemble specific objects. That is also arother properties of Chinese. For example to C hinese charater“尘”,小士为“主”,这是个很形象的比喻,we say this is ideographic.
  But what to talk about here is English language. We also have two properties of English .The first one is phonetic, what do you mean by phonetic? Maybe the best translation for phoretic is in Chinese language. Since the Chinese language has a phoretic systeming which is not otally equal to the English phoretic, but it can corwey the idea of phonetic. So we can say phonetic is a set of letters or other symbofs, eath representing a distinctwe sound of language. These letters can be combined to write all the words of a language. The latters of an alphabet typically have names and a fixed order . Alphabets are the most common type of writing in the wortd today .Only a few languages. Such s Chinese and Japarese, do not use an alphabet. Then another properties of English is alphabetical. So when we are talking about alphakeic, what’s in your mind? Alphabetical tells us that this language is writable .So that conclusion can we come to from this point . if a language ,you alphabetic it ,that means you can write it . If you can write a language, you don’t need to learn ,you can just nead it, write it .What’s the next stop. It means you can master it ,you own the language by nature, Now we can say alphabetical is the use of letters to form words. More spetifically ,the terms spilling and its synonym orthography ususlly imply that the letters are used according to accepted cowentions, Alphabetic wrthing is basically phonetll, but no alphabet has ever perfectly represented a languaee. Pronunciations vary over time, and they also vary geographically.Some languages,are spelled with a high dearee of phonetic accurally ,for instance,Spaish and German. English, on the other hand, is noted for unphoretic spellings for about 25percent of its words. So English is phoretic and alphaketical.
If you can read write a langrage, it mears you are literate.If you can’t read a word, write the words of a language, it means you are inliterate, understand?From this point .if we get a little more futher, we are talking irectly to the Enlish language, you will see the five ablties of language, If a language is phoretic and alphabetical listering is a naturally indoubt ability. So that meand yo have to listen, only through listering ,you can avgucic a language, If it is phoretic and alphobeitcal, what is the reason of listening? It will be much easier.This is not a two-way charned, it’s a one �way channd Then we go on for speaking,if you can listering a phoretic of alphabetical, there is no problem. If you can speak the laguage ,you can inwent the larguae by you rself. So for reading ,there is no problem. Now we come to writing. Form what we have learht, it’s something to do with the phoretic and alphabetical .In this way that you put much emphasizc on these two the language will be much easier. But if you t reat it as wha we learn our Chinese ,there’s no way to be out .From phoretic and alphabetial.listening and writing mush come first, then there’s no problem with reading and wrlting. So keep in mind ,this language is phoretic and alphabetical.
So now come to the next part, In this part,we’ll thlk about parts of speech. Why?we are English majors. The language many be mist for you in somany years of learning. Form the nezt we’ll discuss, you can know the stanard of English, not infwenco by your own language.Some of the points,not very serious,but you have to pary attention to .When I’m talking about“patrs of speech”,we may iwide the word into wo categories“Substantiwes”and “Empty words,”that 以“实词和虚词”。Today we maindy talk about substantiwes and a little about empty wors.First of all, look at the nouns,we have signal nouns and also pronp nouns, that is the extension of English words. Remenber that special nouns should be capitalism.Maybe one of the hard aspect for us the verbal nouns,how do we category those nouns?When we are talking about these aspects,we will say Chinese have a very clear definition for it .You should keep in mind all those things,otherwise you’ll mix them together,this basis.For examle.“smoking”in the phrase“No smoking”,it’s noun just like reading,There are a lot of English words formed with“-ing”and put into a noun. The next example“smoking annoys people”,as now they are nouhs, it should be distinguished from the words used as a adjectwe. For example “a smoking fireand”and “The man was smoking”.What are the “smoking”?They are patriciples.虽然它的拼写形式一样,但称谓不一样,因为它们在句中位置不同,功能不同。And because a verbal noun is a part of verb as well as being a noun ,it keeps some of the charactcristics of verbs. And choices betweev this “�ing” form is important .For example,you hope to do somehing but you think of doing sth and have a version to doing something ,we need to be careful not be confuse this patterns espeeially when more than one are used in one sentenle Sometimes confusion occurs trouble. The next is about relatime nouns and verbs. Some words exist ad both nouns and verbs, they have no difference in form and pron unciation.this part is our diffiallt. But more diffiallt ones are those same in form and different in pronounciatior. Itt’s also more important, because when we are listening a language,we don’t try to write its phonetic but to understand the language sense. If you mispronunce them, other can’t understand you ve ry well.
Verbs can be either avtime or passme “America hit German” “German was hit by America”,this is autime and passiwe, In other forms of the passine include thosw constructions,for example“It is believed that”,“It is felt that”From this kind of passwe while in oral English we can say I believe ,if we are going to write,we should consider more things.
Then we come to the grammer part,it my be most difficult,Someore says English is easy .Why?We can category all the sentences into three kinds of sentences.“simple,compound.and complex”Mastring this ,you can analyize any sentence and Engish will be much easier to you in the grammer part ,pay attention to the partieiple.and something about adjectiwe and adwerbs.“Londly”and“alone”can’t be used interchangably.why?The adjectwes that one similar in meanings wtually very different in wsing.Remenber to distinguish those adjetwes through.your learning.There’s also a principal that adverbs shoul be put before yout learning.There’s also a principal that adverbs should be put before adjectwes and decorate it .Sothe next part for the parts of speeth is conjunctions For this part ist’s not difficult ,but one thing you should keep in mind that what do you mean by “for”it is used as a cojunction .Other simple-conjunetions or complex-comjunctions are easy ,but clear ther differences and uses ,and positions,Next is prepositions,always keep in mind that there should be something ater a preposition and not end up a sentence with a preposition.
Actually I’ve prepared a lot of contents for today’s heport,but maybe we don’t have enough time,Now we just go over the content.learnign a language you should always understand inlections. For sentences ,master the right order or words and relatiwe clawses.Then agreement within phrases and singular and pural form,them puwtuations,you should learn the meaning by yourself after my lecture since there’s another program at 6:30,we have to stop here.But one thing is dear,everyone of you should be aware of ,the English language,You are my students,I’m always open to all you gttys.I hope you have learnt something from my report.Thank you!
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